Babypalooza got its start as a magazine that founder Cecilia Pearson managed as a creative outlet. Fast forward to 2020, Babypalooza is a growing company and community platform that thrives through large in-person events, now faced with navigating a global pandemic. 

In this episode of The Wrap, our hosts welcome Cecilia to talk about how her company grew from a hobby to a business to an organization that’s withstanding the challenges of COVID-19. Drew Honeycutt, the CEO of Innovation Depot—an incubation center for Cecilia and other entrepreneurs like her who are looking to accelerate company growth—and Warren Averett’s own business advisor Hanny Akl, also weigh in on how Babypalooza’s experience reflects that of other companies who are seeking to adapt in today’s environment.

“Be creative. Be flexible and nimble. Be strategic, and be steadfast. Stakeholders in your business—whether it’s investors, employees, customers or vendors—are going to expect that from you and need that from you.  And, it’s easy to say, very hard to do .”